ILLUSTRATED BY GARY CHALK The ORIGINAL 350-section adventure first published in 1984 FROM ALL GOOD BOOKSELLERS The old-school classic. The original 350-section gamebook adventure from 1984, edited by dedicated Lone Wolf scholars at...
ILLUSTRATED BY GARY CHALK FROM ALL GOOD BOOKSELLERS * In this Paperback classic gamebook, the work of JOE DEVER and GARY CHALK is reunited in print for the first time since 1991. Bitter...
ILLUSTRATED BY GARY CHALK FROM ALL GOOD BOOKSELLERS * Sommerlund rebuilds, but the scars of war remain. Shocking news reaches your homeland that the leader of the Ice Barbarians has fallen...
ILLUSTRATED BY GARY CHALK FROM ALL GOOD BOOKSELLERS * The King has summoned you, Lone Wolf, last of the Kai Lords, to his citadel at Holmgard. A convoy loaded with gold...
ILLUSTRATED BY GARY CHALK FROM ALL GOOD BOOKSELLERS The Zakhan of Vassagonia, the imperial ruler of the huge desert empire south of the Lastlands, has sent his most trusted envoy to...